Green and purple glitter!


Hello my lovelies!! So the other day my sister alerted me to the fact that spotlight had a sale…….30 tubes of very fine cut and bright glitter for ……. $27!! I couldn’t help myself!!! I had to go to work but I really wanted to use it immediately so this is my version of a wearable glitter look! I haven’t used glitter quite like this before or blended it like this so it’s not as perfect as I wanted but I do have to say it looked pretty rad!! I wish my camera picked up how it sparkled!! Let me know what you think! =)







I do not understand why this picture is smaller than the others. I have a long way to go to understanding this stuff! Same original picture size…..I added this picture last and this is the 100% biggest size it will go….the other pictures are at 70% of their original size!! Oh the mysteries of the internet! haha

Products used: (Just my eyes – I figure you don’t care about the rest of my face!)
Glitter from spotlight (I mixed two greens and a purple to get the colours that you see here)
Glycerin glue to get the glitter to stick
Green’s and purples from the 180 Manly palette as a base under the glitter
Purple’s from chichi’s purple quad on my crease and blended up to the eyebrow
Nabi pencil eyeliner in black
Bourjois pencel eyeliner 54 “bleu clinquant”
Maybelline liquid precise liner in black
Maybelline colossal and falsies mascaras
Maybelline colour tattoo 05 “too cool” as primer
MAC prep and prime eye primer

I’ve started using a different eyebrow pencil and it’s totally changing my life. It’s a no name that came free with a packet of eyelashes I bought off ebay once but it’s awesome! I was using a creamier pencil by Revlon but it was SO hard to use and just looked clumpy sometimes! Just had to share my joy at a new product!

Anywho that’s all for now! I’ve got an exciting few looks planned to come up next!! Stand by for superman and much more glitter!!! =)

Much love

❤ Peaches